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Photo du rédacteurDeyanaGeorgieva

Chakras. Samsara. Liberation & Purification

The chakras and nadis are part of the same system, the nadis being the almost infinite network of tubular organs or channels of energy flow felt throughout the body, and the chakras being the epicenters and origins of this energy flow. The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. The word is defined as a spinning disk or wheel of energy that runs along the spine. The chakras open up like flowers and pour out their qualities re-establishing our inner balance and restoring our health and form.

Of the many chakras within the human body, seven have been identified as major. When they malfunction, the vital organs become sick or diseased, because they lack the enough life energy to operate properly. The low five chakras are center of the five forms of sensible mater - the five Great Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space), the next two are the mental sheaths and the one at the top is the blissful one, representing the state of pure Consciousness.

Kundalini Shakti (the Supreme Power of the body) is sleeping at the base of the spinal column and if we succeed to awaken and rise it trough the chakras, purification of the Elements and liberation will be achieved. Samsara is a sanskrit word that means uncontrolled rebirth - random reincarnation, represented as a wheel of suffering. It's often referred to an actual re-entry of a person into the world, but may be is also the uncontrolled re-birth of our daily mind.

If we are not a master of the Elements in our body, our mental state and consciousness, then is very likely to become easy victim of uncontrolled habits and learnt reactions, society patterns or someone's else vision for our life. Even if this involves good intentions, is just not really us. To get to that point first we have to look in ourselves then to accept all of it, without judgment or expectations. And then we can start the long way of liberation, getting out of the vicious circle of Samsara, reaching this state of pure Consciousness.

Just to can get some real feeling of this process, we can make an experiment. Let's try just for one single day or even just an hour to be conscious about every our action, movement, thought and breath, trying to do everything we are doing in the best possible for us way, without putting any judgment and expectation on ourselves or anyone else involved in our day. The experiment most likely will show us, if we decide to go on that way would be long and not easy journey, but somehow can't stop thinking it would be all worth it, imagine just even a day to feel in full peace and harmony with everyone and everything...we all have this moments, where for few seconds or minutes we felt it (a truly pure feeling of being alive, of happiness) and wished to can feel it again and again, searching for it from highs of the sky to the depths of the ocean. Always living with the hope, that it will come back.

Enjoy in peace and harmony !

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