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Photo du rédacteurDeyanaGeorgieva

Yoga & The Quantum World

Dernière mise à jour : 20 mars 2020

"In quantum mechanics we see everything as probabilities not as a certainties"* - the conclusion of different researches and applying different models is: in a mathematical sense everything is possible! The point to which we can calculate possibilities is determined by our intellectual capacity to recognize patterns. Since it's in the nature of our brain's left hemisphere to deny ideas that don't fit into our current way to understand, the more attached we are to a believe system or particular society order, the less able we are to make conscious choices for ourselves. But by observing this process we expand our awareness and build the ability truly to use our free will. The question is not whether our believes are right or wrong, but whether or not being emotionally attached to them is more or less likely to benefit us. Till we are emotionally attached to believe system we can't have free choice in the full meaning of it. The moment we are self-aware enough to realize this, we can start working to figure out what really will benefit us - in term of body, mind and soul. Yoga is approach to life that brings us to this state of self- awareness, which opens the doors to a different way of perception. A way of perception based on what we see and think and feel at the present moment, making out the best of it...the best we to learn, to progress and to understand more how to use our true potential. Because if everything is possible it's just a shame if we don't get to that point where we can make it happen. Probably there are different ways to bring us there, personally I chose the yoga because of its simplicity that corresponds the most to my way to see the world. But simple doesn't mean easy..not at all, as the yoga way corresponds the most to our self-discipline. Self-discipline in the way how we treat our body, how we breathe, what we think, what we say, how we react..many times even knowing which is the right way, we just don't do it that way- with or without excuse.

Yoga is fundamentally accessible activity and can be practiced in different variations and places. There is an option for any level, body structure or individual alignments or restrictions, the only thing we need is our will and to believe. To believe that we can do it, that we deserve to be part of this reality of unlimited possibilities and to pick up the one that suits us in this particular moment of our life and that would be the case, for any coming moment. This is the only fact we should stick to, when is about the future and just to leave it to happen when the time comes, because all we have is the present moment full of the challenges and parameters we need today to grow and to be happy. As one of the greatest yoga texts explains: the various asanas, breathing exercises and mudras of hatha yoga should be practice as long as raja yoga (implies a complete mastery of the Self) has not been attained. "And when will that have been attained? When human existence no longer holds any problems."**

* "Human brain and quantum physics" by Sthira Sukham Asanam (YouTube video)

** "Hatha yoga pradipika" by Yoga Swami Svatmarama

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