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Yoga & the Spine

Photo du rédacteur: DeyanaGeorgievaDeyanaGeorgieva

"When viewed from the side, an adult spine has a natural S-shaped curve. The purpose of these curves is to absorb shock, maintain balance and allow range of motion throughout the spinal column. For the spine to remain healthy it is important that these natural curves of the spine are maintained. Yoga is very beneficial - programme, that stretches and strengthens the spinal column as an entire unit, is the key. Yoga creates flexibility around the vertebrae and intervertebral discs and strengthens the supportive network of muscles, ligaments and tendons." (Yoga Anatomy by Sally Parkes).

Proper body alignment and good posture, which help maintaining the natural curvature of the spine, is an important part of reducing or avoiding lower back pain. Awareness of the body, through yoga increases with practice. For people with back pain, yoga can be a fantastic way to strengthen muscles and improve spine health. Yoga improves posture. Many problems with the back and spine originate from poor posture.

Tips for a healthy spine: - let the spine really rest while sleeping (cosy bed and clothes); - exercise the core to strengthen abdominal and back muscles; - use comfortable shoes that support the spine; - enjoy the benefits of regular massage; - try always to be aware of your body postures, especially when sited. In general reduce the sitting time to minimum or if you need to spend long time sitting, take regularly few minutes for stretching - on the chair or stand up.

If you have a 'bad' back, restorative yoga may be the answer. In addition to relaxing your mind, the poses can relax your back and reduce or remove the pain. Restorative yoga is a practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching, holding simple asanas for long time (few minutes at least). During this long holds all the muscles are allowed to relax deeply. It is an unique feeling and during this process we realize how complex is our body and get to understand better how it works. Restorative yoga benefits : - enhances flexibility; - deeply relaxes the body; - calms down the mind; - improves capacity for healing and balancing; - balances the nervous system; - boosts the immune system; - develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self; - enhances mood states.

Restorative sequence, healing back pain : 1) Corpse pose (Shavasana); 2) Knee to chest pose (Apanasana) - do small circles to one direction and then change the direction; 3) Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) - for more restorative option, place a block under your sacrum to rest in Supported Bridge; 4) Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana) - slowly rock side to side; 5) Reclining Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana); 6) Sphinx pose; 7) Reclined Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana); 8) Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana); 9) Cat/Cow pose. Hold each asana for few minutes if it's possible (start with 2 minutes and increase gradually till 5 minutes). It's normal to feel challenge to hold the positions during the last seconds or minute, that's actually the time when the asana really works for you, but not pain. If there is pain, change for easier variation, use props, reduce the time of holding, but don't give up. Give it a time to get better. Sometimes some pains or injuries need long time to heal, but eventually with patience and care we always can find the way.

Enjoy and keep challenging yourself !

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